Special Center
- Intensive Care Unit with Defibrillators, Pacemakers, Sign Monitors, Mechanical Lungs, Red Crash Cart, Airways and Trauma Management
- Clinical Analytic Laboratory fully equipped which meets and/or exceeds the quality assurance Standards and International Certifications
- Radiology with Fixed, Mobile and Portable Units, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, Doppler, Ortopantomography, Mammography, Ct Scan, Color Doppler & Ultrasound, Tridimentional Technology Ultrasound 4 th Dimension real tim etc.
- Laparoscopic surgery equipment , for micro invasive surgery
- Electro cardiographers and cardiac Monitors with Pacemakers, Strength tests, Spirometer, Audiometry, Colposcopy, Pharmacy
- Hyperbaric Chamber (The only in the state of Baja California Sur)
- Dermatology clinic with laser, cryosurgery, and Endormology equipment